Getting Started In MMA: Akurei MMA

LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE: Akurei MMA fighters including Ryan Holden ready to fight

LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE: Akurei MMA fighters including Ryan Holden ready to fight

THERE are many routes someone can take when wanting to get involved in mixed martial arts.

You could just start off with a little bit of boxing or you could start more advanced fighting styles like muay thai early.

But there are MMA gyms in Teesside that offer a little bit of everything to aspiring fighters… like Akurei MMA.

Akurei MMA is a new mixed martial arts gym which opened it’s doors in January 2013.

However, the gym’s £30 monthly membership offers access to unlimited access to all the gym’s classes in the likes of MMA, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling and K1.

Or if you just want to nip down for just a session or two to get a taste of the gym, it’s £5 entry to any of the adult classes.

However, the classes are not just limited to adults. Even children have an opportunity to learn and train about fighting for as little as £4 per session.

Of course, the gym is not just about fighting. Akurei MMA focuses a great deal on fitness as well with classes dedicated to just helping people get fit if that’s all you’re wanting to do.

The gym can be just the platform people need to start training in MMA.

Want proof? Let’s ask someone that’s actually just started training at Akurei MMA…

Ryan Holden, 19, started at Akurei MMA 2 months ago just in order to get himself fit.

But now, Ryan says that the gym has helped him appreciate MMA but realizes that training in it is not easy.

Ryan said: “At first I wanted to start for fitness, but I learned I actually really enjoy fighting too.”

“It’s still hard to get the grips of MMA, Jiu Jitsu especially.”

“There’s a huge learning curve and it takes time and patience to get around everything.”

The gym is taught by fighters currently competing in mixed martial arts, with the head coach Nathan Boyce being the current Combat Challenge K1 Champion.

Ryan says that training with these fighters is a great experience for him.

Ryan said: “Working with Nathan at Akurei MMA is awesome.”

“Everybody at the club are really friendly and they’ve made me feel so welcome.”

“If I could give advice to a new person, it would just to be patient and stick at it!”

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In order to find out more about Akurei MMA, you can contact Nathan Boyce on 07931 691 157, Newton Boyce on 07856 152 655, Anthony Frankland: 07747 445 708 or email them at

They are also on Facebook at this link.