Teesside Steelers – The First Womens American Football Team in the North-East

WOMEN OF STEEL: The girls line up in training.

WOMEN OF STEEL: The girls line up in training.


THE Teesside Steelers was formed last year featuring women from all over the North-East.

What makes the club different is that it is the only Womens American Football team in the North-East.

Set up with the help of the British American Football Association (BAFA), the club gives women a chance to take part in the sport hugely dominated by men.

With a number of NFL games now being played in the UK, the sport’s popularity has raised a lot in recent years.

I went to Thornaby Academy Sports Centre, where the girls train, to interview General Manager Beverley Marwood to see how the girls train and what’s on the horizon for the women of Steel…